Our Project
The TBI InfoComics were created to educate survivors of Traumatic Brain Injury, their families/caregivers, and healthcare providers about common symptoms of TBI and how to manage them. Our InfoComics are written to be accessible to people who may have memory issues or trouble reading large blocks of text. They present the most vital and up-to-date information about physical, cognitive and emotional issues people with TBI may be dealing with. The content we present in our comics represents the most recent findings of the largest and longest running study about TBI: the Traumatic Brain Injury Model System Study.
Reading information in comics, as opposed to text, can lead to improved recall and the comprehension. Comics tell stories, which can be easier to remember than facts on their own. We use the stories in our InfoComics as a framework to organize information about TBI. Another reason comics make information more accessible is that they present information as both text and images at the same time. Images are processed in the visual area of the brain and text is processed in the linguistic center, which means both areas of the brain are working simultaneously when you read our InfoComics.